
About Us

The Offset Project is an environmental organization creating programs that fulfill our mission to reduce carbon emissions through education and grassroots initiatives. We continually seek to integrate ways for the community to learn and interact and to guide businesses and special events toward carbon reduction strategies.
TOP is a coalition of individuals who empower our communities. TOP has volunteers in the school districts teaching students about waste reduction and at local events providing an interactive approach to sustainable practices. We are seen throughout Monterey County talking trash, sorting trash, and even diving through trash. We work with corporate Green Teams to establish sustainable policies and we proudly wear our "Zero Waste Team" t-shirts so that people know we are a force of change. 

We have developed programs that make sense, are attainable and succeed. We work effectively to influence the policies and principles that make up the fabric of our community . And it's not just us who think we are great-- TOP received three green leadership awards from local business organizations in 2010.   

Currently, we are working to further two initiatives: the Monterey Bay Carbon Fund and the development of zero waste programs in our community.